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Insurance Companies We represent

Buy Fire Insurance online

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Get the best quotation from world-class insurance companies.  Whether it is a simple Houseowner policy for your precious castle, or a carefully designed Fire Insurance for your commercial building or factory, we can quickly work out the best plan for you.

  1. Houseowner Policy
  2. Householder Policy
  3. Strata Title Property Insurance
  4. Standard Fire Insurance
  5. Consequential Loss Insurance

Simply fill up a Request for Quotation Form HERE for a non-obligation proposal.  Get your property protected without leaving your home/office.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Bank Negera Malaysia Guidelines (Prohibited Business Conduct) to Financial Service Provider (read Bank): As provided under the Product Transparency and Disclosure Guidelines, while the FSP may provide quotations for the insurance or takaful offered by the FSP’s panel, the financial consumer must be allowed to use the service of non-panel insurers or takaful operators if they choose to do so.